Susan E. Brown, Interior Design | blue

Before and After: Kitchen Backsplash

Sometimes all you need is a small change to make a space feel updated and more "you". Sure, a total remodel would be lovely, but not always feasible. If that's...

It’s A Clear View

Wow, I haven't posted anything new since Dec 11th!  Can you believe it?  I feel like a human sloth.  Whoever is out there reading this, don't leave me!  I'll try...

New Kitchen/Family Room Project – BEFORE PICS

Hi!  I'm excited to introduce my newest project ~~ a kitchen/family rm/living rm/dining rm remodel.  This client was my very first client when I started my business.  How exciting is...

4th of JULY!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY 4th OF JULY EVERYONE!!! Here's a funky room pic I took from the High Point Furniture Market this last Spring.  It was in a sustainable art exhibit.  If you remember, I had...