Susan E. Brown, Interior Design | DIY: Victoria, BC follower

DIY: Victoria, BC follower

Hi, I’m sharing with you today a fun DIY project that one of my blog followers completed, and sent me photos of the result. Her name is Josephine Harris and she’s from Victoria, BC. She’s done a fun industrial-inspired DIY project that I think turned out quite fabulous. She is quite the frugal remodeler. Read on!


The space is a rental that Josephine owns, hence, the strong need to be budget friendly. Here is the BEFORE pic of a small bathroom.


And the AFTER: After installing new tile flooring in a vintage style, she bought the concrete top with bowl and faucet on UsedVictoria (like Craigslist) for $25.00 apparently because the pipe was the wrong diameter for a conventional plumbing hook up. What a find! For the base, she used an old industrial sewing machine base she already had in her basement.  With a bit of Rustoleum black paint, the piece came to life. She added a wooden shelf across the bottom of the treadle area for a bit of storage. The baseboard was clear 12” cedar that she got from a mill on the island that was closing up shop. The mirror frame was created from leftover baseboard and adhesive tiles. 


Here’s a closeup of the vanity and tile floor (minus the baseboard at this point). I think it’s really fun, and very creative! I love the “thinking outside the box” she did…something I’m always trying to encourage and do myself! CONGRATS Josephine!

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