Susan E. Brown, Interior Design | The Shining–Patterns

The Shining–Patterns

Hello, hello!

Last night my family and I watched the movie The Shining with Jack Nicholson, and Shelley Duvall, remember it?  Actually it was my 13 year old daughter’s suggestion that we watch the movie, if you can believe it!!  It wasn’t quite as horrifying as I remember when I was younger (of course, not that much younger ~~ tee hee 🙂  It’s really about the last 10-15 minutes it gets gruesome and scary–the rest is a huge build up.  All I could think about through a lot of the movie were the sets, particularly the awesome carpets!  As soon as it was over, I immediately got right on line googling images from the 1980 movie.  Talk about history repeating itself.  The patterns and some of the colors are currently very popular within the design industry right now, and of course, I was in love with them!  Let me show you!

 This was the main carpet throughout the Overlook Hotel in the movie.  Isn’t that awesome, and that pattern is sooo popular right now.  It also totally makes the space, granted I would have added a bit more color to the pale, cool walls going down the hallway.
This was the fancy ballroom/party room with gold, textured walls.  Look at the carpet pattern again~~the scale is magnificent!
This pic is a bit dark.  Sorry!  I think you can still see the purple/green rainbow arcs, large scale patterned carpet, can’t you?
And this was the men’s bathroom!  It would be a wonderful commercial bathroom even in a large hotel today.  Interesting how modern it is when the rest of the hotel was so elegant.  I wonder if that was intentional for some reason as part of the subliminal messages.
And here are some examples of carpets and fabrics today:
 Sheets from The Company Store
 Designers Guild fabric
Carpets from Vanderhurd
Vanderhurd carpet
I thoroughly love the bold expression and repetition of patterns!
~~ Susan ~~
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